Life... Predictably Unpredictable

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

Location: Alexandria, VA, United States

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.

Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.

Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare.

Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.

Impossible is non-existent.

Impossible is Nothing.

Source : Adidas ad featuring stalwarts like Muhammad Ali, DBecks, Zidane,Laila Ali and others.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Questions lead to Answers lead to Questions..

It is a well known fact that life is indeed the best teacher ever possible. We all learn at school, college and from elders but the true lessons which are imbibed into our system are the ones which we learn when we are out in the open fields of a playground called “life”. This weekend, I was discussing this with one my close colleagues and after a lot of loud arguments and silent ignorance, we finally concurred on one thing; Life ensures we do the same mistakes repeatedly until we learn our lessons completely and for good. This is exactly where my random mind starts exercising its grey cells. I am sure to many it seems unnecessary and I wouldn’t argue with anyone on that because at times I feel the same myself!!

But still, making complete use of my freedom of thought birthright as an Indian Citizen, I continued to ponder after my hour long debate. If I am taught the same lesson repeatedly until I learn it well, would life give me a suitable platform down the line to implement whatever I have learnt? Even if it does, would it be in complete justice to me as a person? I guess I was unclear at this point. If I make a mistake at the age of 25 and learn my “lessons” then and if life presents me with a situation to improvise at the age of 35, would that be in complete fairness to me? Because technically there would be a huge paradigm shift over the decade which would have altered my attitude, mentality, priorities etc towards life and all it’s components ( materialistic and non materialistic included).

So if such is the case then on our journey towards various phases in life, where do we actually implement the lessons? I am a firm believer in the quote “Knowledge is Power” but also feel if knowledge is never utilized ( in an implicit or explicit manner) , then it is not far before it becomes redundant information! I totally see a possibility where we aren’t aware of our lessons being implemented in some other walk of life but I am sure that might not be the case at all points of time especially in the case of a person who practices self retrospection to a great extent. Anyone who is even in a state of partial awareness of mind and activity would be able to realize such trivial activities going on within himself and his habitat.

I certainly am not looking for solutions or alternatives which would explain such occurences.I am on the lookout for different perspectives as I am sure everyone has a mind of their own irrespective of their realization. Do feel free to criticize my thoughts as I firmly believe it is after all just your opinion!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I feel this sums up life to the core..

Walk in your life with big strides,
To reach at the very peak,
So that Success is in your Desire,
And Fate at your own Feet!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

One hour inside a Random Mind..

It all started on my way back from work a few days ago. The I-495 Capital Beltway traffic at evenings provides enough time to let the grey cells in your head wander randomly, search of directions for an unknown destination!!

I had seen the movie Final Destination -3 recently. Well, I can't say its next to Godfather but definitely one has to give the makers due credit for their creativity. To churn out three versions based on one punchline "Death will eventualy catch you" is worthy of praise. Anyways, I was lost in thoughts pondering if the signs can actually be seen...and as i was on the road, I felt it definitely can. So I tried to be my own "james bond" in my own "Aston Martin" (Honda Civic by the way which ain't even clsoe to a toy model of an Aston Martin!!). As obvious, I saw and guessed now but the thought lingered if it really is possible? Well, not many people give thought to such things but just because one cannot udnerstand or observe it or one chooses to ignore it, doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist or it is untrue...Right? I checked my watch and realised it was 15 mins since i was on the road and I had covered close to a mile!! Now you get an idea am

As I continued to marvel at the Human Mind, I kinda felt that One cannot understand the operations of one's own mind. Have you ever wondered why we doubt a person who compliments us and immediately trust someone who abuses or critiques us in a negative manner? To explain, we immediately get defensive and believe the negative comment and at times take it personally or start justifying our actions. On the other hand, a genuine word of praise instills a small grain of doubt in our there an ulterior motive for his/her praise? Of course, there are exceptions but I'm sure we all have experienced this.It was something that I might have been doing all my life but suddenly at that moment with vehicles all around me, this hit me hard.

Its usually said that Life is all about causes and consequences. Everything in life happens because something caused it to happen and it sure will produce its own consequence. awesome would it be if we could realize the cause and consequence for everything. Well, for a paltry few we are able to but the real exciting ones are rare...especially things which haven't been planned by us. To make myself more explicit, ever wondered why certain thigns happen to you and why certain don't. I don't mean to bring in good or bad luck issues here. I am talking about simple to day activities may be. Some people walk into your life and exit in no time while some stay forever. If they had to walk out of your life, what was the cause of them in coming into your life. If you are able to figure out a lesson you learnt out of their presence in your life, thats great but if not...then ever wondered why someone entered your life? what was the reason? what was the cause and the subsequent consequence?

Being an engineer, I tried to take a mathematical shot at trying to answer some of my so called random "queries". If life is an equation y = mx + c, its got constants and variables. the same question can be asked here, what is the cause and consequence of the constants and variables??? Enough Randomness I guess...

For those who can relate a bit to my random thoughts, it would be great to meet you and for those who can't...Remember one thing..I haven't gone Mad..not as yet at least!!!! lol..

Take care and Good Luck people.